
A call for applications for grants allocated from the new Music Fund


Iceland Music calls for applications for the second allocation of grants from the new Music Fund for 2024. Deadline is May 21st at 3pm. 

The role of the Music Fund is to promote Icelandic music according to the Music Act and the regulations of the Music Fund. The fund shall contribute to the promotion of Icelandic musicians and their music creation both domestically and internationally. 

The Music Fund provides five types of grants from four departments:

  • Music Grants – allocated from the creation and release department
    Grants for composing, recording, releasing, and promoting music.
  • Performance Grants – allocated from the live performance department
    Grants for domestic concerts and concert tours.
    Long-term grants available.
  • Business Grants – allocated from the development and infrastructure department
    Grants for music projects such as music festivals, concert venues, business ideas in music, and startup projects. Long-term grants available.
  • Marketing Grants – allocated from the export department
    Grants to attract attention abroad.

Grants from the Music Fund are granted for specific projects and, as a general rule, for a period of 18 months. Also operational grants are generally not allocated to organisations / companies / institutions that receive regular operational funding from the state and to projects and events that have already taken place. 

Applications will not be considered if final reports or progress reports have not been submitted to the application system for projects that received funding in 2022 or later. This applies to applications from the "old" Music Fund (Tónlistarsjóður) and Recording Fund (Hljóðritasjóður), but not the Export Fund (Útflutningssjóður). 

Iceland Music administrates the Music Fund on behalf of the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs. Find further information and application forms here

Iceland Music will host a presentation of the new Music Fund on Wednesday 8 May at 4 PM. More on Iceland Music's Facebook event >> 

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